July 2025
BRICKSPO is an annual event hosted by the Saskatchewan LEGO Users Group. This showcase allows our members the opportunity to display many of the creations that they have built which might have come to events throughout the year, and some which might be made special for this show!
Over eight in-person years, BRICKSPO has showcased thousands of creations, seen by tens of thousands of people! SLUG is pleased to invite LUG’s from other provinces to help our show be bigger and better than the year before!
There are events at BRICKSPO!
We’ll be holding a number of Attendee events and public talks during each day of the show. Be sure to check out what’s going on for your chance to watch, take part and learn!
Vote on your favorite builds
We will be holding a number of member events and contests at BRICKSPO which we need YOU to vote on! Look for the BRICKSPO Building Challenge and the numbered title cards on eligible builds for Best in Show to cast your votes! The winning builders YOU select will have bragging rights for the year!
What does it cost to attend BRICKSPO?
Since BRICKSPO is a temporary show at the Western Development Museum, admission to the museum is all you will need. This entrance fee will allow you to experience BRICKSPO as well as tour the many displays housed in the WDM. Please see the current rates on the WDM’s website here:


2024 Sponsors

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